Friday, December 18, 2009

Is the Republican party in need of anti-aging cream?

Arlen Specter is out of this dying party.Is the Republican party in need of anti-aging cream?
LOL LOL LOL LOL!! so true!Is the Republican party in need of anti-aging cream?
On St. Patrick's Day, Spector said he would not leave the Republican Party. So you have to look at what has changed since then. The answer is that he was going to lose his primary. Therefore, he did what was best for him, not what was best for the people of Pennsylvania.
And we're glad to be rid of him. Only liberals are traitors to this country, so he had to be a closet lib in the first place.

I tell you what though...I'll agree to use the anti-aging cream if you agree to take that major stick out of your a**. Deal?
We need new blood and that means that we need to get rid of all who went to school at catholic/jesuit schools. Unless, of course, you want a one world government and religion.
What does it say about the man's character? He's willing to change his core convictions because they're unpopular presently.
Soon the Republican party will go the way of the Whig party.
Not any more than the Democratic Party does.

Both are corrupt
out from dying into the botox and steroid party.
And good riddance to Fluffy Toes. Never liked that old hippie anyway.
Chenney is moving to DUBIA
Add a case of Depends and denture cream then you pretty much have it
Yes, it's time to follow President Hip And Trendy.

Seriousy though, get a life.

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